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Sunset Martial Arts


Online Martial Arts Training & Study

"Forging Your Path To Virtually Train, Physically Transform!"

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Welcome to My Self Defense Studio and our platform for online Martial Arts training and study. I'm Instructor Thompson!


I began creating My Self Defense Studio during the pandemic of 2020, after having been teaching in person classes since 1999 . When all schools closed down and students and teachers started training via video calls. I wanted to know just how much Martial Arts could be done online and what would that look like?


What I found was quiet a lot! No Martial Arts training is complete without sparring. It's essential! So I created this site and company with 3 things in mind!


First, building what the solo practitioner can do without any training equipment and without an instructor standing there with them.

Second, I wanted to include things from history, literary works and lessons from visionaries like Sun Tzu in his tactics and theories on combat. While also encompassing lessons from Ed Parker, Bruce Lee and even Lao Tzu. From the tactical theory in The Art Of War. To the application of Martial Arts principles physical and mental. To meditation practices for centering ones emotions and actions alike. So that we may share and study the ideas and theories of all that have come before us in this field.

Third, I wanted to ensure the efficacy of the curriculum if/when applied thru the concepts taught within! I adapted the American Kenpo Karate system, infused with Muay Thai and Kali training! My Self Defense Studio focuses on all things striking for the physical aspect of self defense techniques! Having pulled the wrist grabs and manipulations, the bear hugs and handshake defenses (Those are to be taught in person only) Why? Because in striking you always have 50/50 chance it will be successful, either you land it or you don't! Of course there are several factors to that too. Like the power/weight, angle of departure/connection and speed of any given strike, but those we absolutely can do online! So I built this site, curriculum and practices to build the muscle memory, library of motion and abilities for practitioners. 


I believe your Martial Arts journey is your own! It should not be about your style, we should strive to absorb all information! It should not be about your Instructor, we should strive to learn from as many as we can! It should not be about your school or association, we should strive to train and network with as many of those as possible!


Our Martial Arts journey should be about becoming the best version of ourselves, faster, stronger, smarter!



© 2019 by My Self Defense Studio. Proudly created with

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